Your portfolio on Sporttrade is similar to a stock portfolio, showing all of your positions and their current value.
Portfolio Value
The portfolio value reflects your available funds and the cost of your open orders and the live value of your position, including the unrealized profit on these positions. The unrealized profit and loss is sum of the P&L that would be realized if you were to close your positions at that moment.
List of Open Positions
Your open positions are all of the bets you currently have a position on, either long or short (if in advanced mode). You can see the current total value of each position, as well as, the current share value and any profit and loss on each bet.
You can manage each position by Selling or Buying more shares or closing out your positions completely (trading away all of your shares).
Orders & Trades
If you have any open orders (limit orders placed that have not been filled) you can access that list to either modify or cancel any remaining open orders you have. You can also view your recent trades and settlements.
Why is my portfolio value different than my available funds?
The Portfolio Value indicates your current net worth on Sporttrade, while the Available Funds indicate how much money you have available to spend. Here's how they are calculated:
Portfolio Value = Positions and Open Orders [+] Available Funds [+] Restricted Profits
Positions and Open Orders: The cost of your open orders and the live value of your positions, including the unrealized profit.
Available Funds: Amount of money available to place trades or withdraw.
Available Funds = Cash [-] Cost of Open Activity [+] Total Unsettled Net PnL [-] Restricted Profits [-] Pending Withdrawals
Cash: Derived from your deposits, withdrawals, profits on all settled outcomes inclusive of commissions, and any account adjustments.
Cost of Open Activity: Sum of all open positions and open orders.
Restricted Profits: Profit from trading, that is being held until settlement of each outcome.
*Exchange wagering is not available in Iowa and Virginia.
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