Using Push Cash
How Do I Use Push Cash for the First Time?
When you see the Push Cash logo, simply select it to launch the service. Follow these steps for your first use:
Enter your debit card information and/or log in to your checking account by providing your bank username and password.
Confirm the transaction when prompted.
Once approved, you will receive a transaction confirmation from Push Cash and Sporttrade.
Do I Need to Authenticate with Push Cash Every Time I Complete a Transaction?
No, authentication is only required the first time you use Push Cash. Subsequent transactions will just require confirmation.
Note: You may be asked to reauthenticate under certain circumstances, such as:
Expired bank credentials.
Specific risk characteristics of the transaction.
Can I Link Push Cash to Multiple Bank Accounts?
No, Push Cash can only be linked to one checking account.
Can I Link My Credit Card Account?
No, Push Cash is designed exclusively for transfers to and from your checking account and your account with the Sporttrade.
Can I Use Push Cash with an International Bank Account?
No, Push Cash is only compatible with U.S. financial institutions.
Does Push Cash Support All U.S. Financial Institutions?
Push Cash works with most, but not all, U.S. financial institutions. To check if your bank is supported, you will need to perform the bank authentication process.
Is Push Cash Available on All Devices?
No, Push Cash is only available on iOS devices.
Payments and Transactions
Will I Be Charged Any Fees to Use Push Cash?
No, Push Cash does not charge consumers any fees for deposits or for instant withdrawals directly to and from your bank account.
How Long Does It Take for a Payment to Process?
Push Cash will authorize the transaction immediately. In the case of deposits, once a transaction has been authorized and confirmed, the funds will be immediately available in your Player account.
In the case of withdrawals, once the transaction has been authorized and confirmed, Push Cash will push the funds back to your bank account immediately. Note: In some cases, the Sporttrade may pause withdrawal times to perform additional risk review. If this is the case, the Sporttrade will provide an update on transaction timing. For certain banks, withdrawals may take 1 business day.
Note: For certain banks, it may take 2-3 business days for the deposit to be reflected on your bank statement.
Bonus Offer
As a bonus, we’ll issue you a 25% cash match on your first $200 that you deposit and trade with using Push Cash.
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